Saturday, August 21, 2010

How Often To Clean A Katana

"There are women who exist only to make you feel lousy."
-Sex and the City-

Thursday, August 19, 2010

How To Make Brownies With Cookie Cutters

cit inferiority complexes interspersed randomly

"Do not find it strange, "he continued," when you're all small, all of them, we encourage you to pursue your dreams and then when you grow up, for some reason do just insulted if you try? "
-Ethan Hawke -

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Restaurant With Paper Bag Hats

Fandom meme.

1. Post about something related to fandom that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing.
2. Do this everyday for 8 days without fail.
3. Tag 8 of your friends to do the same.
Tags: [info] 11cerbero [info] rdelcaos [info] niyin [info] violet_bar and others have already been tagged xD

Day 1
Well there is to say that today I was at home ç___ç But something should have happened .... Meanwhile, sweet (but not too much) to remember a year ago and processing to cosplay Manaril ... Rethinking his shorts made me almost tender (but maybe it was just killing spree) ... Then, well, terrifying discussions on wigs in the latter now [info] benkayte , [info] kiu22 and [info] dantah in which we remember the actual existence of threatened and Maximillion Galactica (which right now will stay cultivating tomatoes) and Elvis, but that does not create Fandom is always fun. And then other any other business that I can not now come ... What a sad day that I had ° _ ° On the other hand I'm starting to fandomizzare the scum of the book I'm reading, Time of the Wolf, but only [info] 11cerbero ç___ç may include, inter alia, about Baka and fandom, I want to go fandomizzare bitches that cry of the Magna Carta ç________ç
Well we do that by tomorrow I will have more interesting days in terms of fandom, as I go home to [info] dantah , where there are also other diseases - Amii.