Title: Deep
Author: lunacat78 \u0026lt;/ lj>
Fandom: Angel the series
Characters : Connor (and her adoptive family)
Rating : R (at least for this chapter then I do not know!)
Party: Chapter I
Warning: the events narrated, it is between the end of season 4 of Angel and the beginning of 5, I do not know if anyone is still spoiler, in which case I warned ^ _ ^
Words : 1519
* The FF title comes from a song by Anathema "Deep" is precisely
* I must thank blackmambaskins and \u0026lt;/ lj>
ecstaticagony \u0026lt;/ lj> ,
* E 'the first FF post for which you have mercy on me, I know not much of a girlfriend but I will try to improve, I swear!
XD * Thanks to all of you, because reading your beautiful FF excited and prodded me to further my post ^ _ ^ (you can see that I need more and more pushed to do certain things .. . sorry XD)
Disclaimer: with great regret I must disclose the fact that Connor's character does not belong to me (ohh infameeee luck! ç__ç) as well as all those who are later cited and are part of the Buffyverse and 'Angelverse, instead they all belong to Joss Whedon. The story is a figment of my imagination XD diverted
was a day like any other, Connor was leaving home to go to university, the appointment with Serena was in her usual place at nine o'clock, the first lesson was that at ten had all time to get there with ease.
greeting the parents left the house, barely had time to hear his mother yelling something from the kitchen
Stopping on the front door the boy turned to the living room to meet
" MAMMA is already very late! "
" Expect I SAID! "
yelled from the kitchen Mrs. Riley with a peremptory tone of voice that certainly would not have admitted no reply
Connor snorted
" OK" said making a face and going into the garden to wait for his sister fingering with the neck of the hood of his gray sweatshirt. After a quarter of an hour saw plenty Kate peeping out from the front door
" It's about time!" Exclaimed Connor annoyed by the wait
" not be pedantic! It took me less than a minute, "
promptly replied Kate.
" You are late but the usual and so will you do me too late," he said are walking
" late but I'm not! What's that you're afraid your dear and beloved Serena can get angry about your delay? "He hastened to tell at a quick pace while trying to follow his older brother
" We're just friends! How many times do I repeat that? "
" This is what you believe, but she knows? "
immediately retorted Kate, teasing
" course I know! Why not remain silent until you come to school? "
" know this is impossible! "She said with a chuckle
Connor looked up at the sky for a moment and walked on remaining silent while Kate went on talking non-stop about what he would do during the day and how he should have done the first step to win the heart of Serena, Connor listened only occasionally responding to the provocations of his sister.
arrive before the school attended by Kate, Connor stood at the entrance waiting for his sister came
" Take care little brawler"
Kate quickly climbed ladders 'entrance, he turned to his brother for a moment before entering
" are not small!"
" course you are!" he said with a smile on his lips
" And you try to kiss her this time, weakling!"
disappears in a moment by the sight of Connor going to school and continue to sneer for putting brother embarrassed.
" It 's the same!"
the boy whispered almost to himself.
The meeting place with Serena was not far from Kate's school, the boy began to walk with his hands thrust in his pocket and a quick pace, he wanted to try to catch up.
It took a quarter of an hour that Connor was able to discern when the Moon Cafe and at that distance could already see Serena sitting at a table outside waiting for him, had never questioned how it was possible that his vision was so acute, it certainly was very different from that of ordinary people, but he had always been so why did not a lot of questions about it.
arrived at the table smiled and greeted her with Serena giving her two kisses on the cheeks, one on each side
" Sorry for the delay, my sister is a real scourge," he said ironically
" Do not worry, I arrived too recently, only now we no longer have time to have breakfast together"
Serena stood up taking two paper bags full of something, then continued to talk
" Do the same if we bring back the breakfast and eat on the street?"
Connor was about to apologize again, but smiled sweetly when Serena showed the full bags and waved them in front of his eyes
" To me that's fine," he replied enthusiastically
Together they walked to the university, eating and talking about what would had to do during the day.
Serena Connor was really a friend, there was an undeniable sympathy, but he loved to do things slowly, to remember what had always been a thoughtful guy and would not ever step along the leg.
Between courses, workshops and talks went the whole day, the sun was low now, and Connor and Serena walked together toward the house.
accompanied him home every day and every night when Serena arrived at the door of her house to look for a moment remained undecided on how to greet, then every time you gave a peck on the cheek and she smiled sweetly saying that would have seen the following day at the usual place, but that night there was a slight variation on the program, something happened that would forever change the lives of Connor.
The sun had already dropped, there was silence in the street was dinner time and everyone was already at the table with their family in a small town like that was very rare that there was movement in the streets after a certain hour, live Sweetvalley was not like living in Los Angeles, what still remains a small country town.
Connor and Serena talking in the street entertained themselves by sitting on a bench not far from her house, they laughed and talked about their aspirations, often seemed to cross their eyes for a time that seemed endless
that the brat was right?
He thought as he looked at Serena Connor talk and smile
To be beautiful is beautiful, but there is something ... something that is holding me back. Maybe I'm just a hopeless case, maybe I should really kiss her, maybe Kate is right, maybe ...
Connor's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the voice of a man who broke the harmony created by the melodious voice of Serena, the stranger approached them talking with a threatening tone of voice
" not you should stay out at this guys ", the individual licked lips moistened, Connor rolled his eyes to look at him and what he saw left him speechless.
Before him there 'was a normal man, was different, his skin was wrinkled between eyes and teeth, the canines to be exact were long and sharp and had drawn a face on evil grin.
Connor did not have time it 'will respond' to say the least, the individual grabbed Serena's arm and pulled her up as if its weight was equal to that of a dry twig, the scared girl screamed, the man pushed her forcefully against a tree and came up threatening
" It will not hurt you'll see ...." he lowered his face in her neck and sank his sharp canines will
Connor raised with one click as fast as to be barely perceptible, not realized what was happening, but felt that a part of him knew what to do and how to act.
" Leave her alone!" Intimate threatening the man who turned to him and growled
" not be impatient, hurry up to you! "He said, grinning and licking the blood that trickled from the corner of his mouth and then go back to sink my fangs into the neck of the girl.
Serena's screams became increasingly tenuous, Connor jumped against feline with a click in his mind that being who was able to identify as a vampire, even if they did not know how he knew exactly what to do.
yanked the vampire with a force that did not belong in a moment the girl was freed from the clutches of the monster and immediately took a hand Connor watching the neck midway between the terror and amazement while tears flowed from her eyes in pain.
"What the hell !..." Connor said in amazement as he looked at his hands still in disbelief of the force that had been shown to have.
The vampire immediately took advantage of his moment of distraction on the boy rushing.
Serena continued to cry and scream, was on its knees without any force, Connor moved quickly, he pushed the vampire away and ran unleashing kick to the abdomen, just stagger the enemy, the boy took him from behind and grabbed his head twisting to remove it from the neck, instantly became the vampire dust and Connor stood for a moment stunned by the whole scene as if he were outside watching a movie of which he knew plot but not the final.
returned to him immediately ran into Serena who was almost at the end of his forces, he knelt down and stroked her face before
" Are you okay?", But she did not answer
Connor moved the girl's hand to check the wound, took a handkerchief from his pocket and pressed hard on it to reduce the leakage of blood.
Serena did not speak but continued to cry almost in silence, Connor took her in his arms lifted her up and ran as fast as he could, to the hospital, could not remember ever being so fast, it was like as if his physical skills were increasing, but at that time had neither 'time they' want to ask about this change, the only thing that really worried him was his friend, only that mattered.