Monday, November 12, 2007

Put These Words In A Paragraph


But what is art?

Technique? Provocation? Irony? Genius?

Probably a good balance of different elements. But visiting Artissima in Torino, some of these elements take precedence over others and often remain displaced in front of some "conceptual work" in the exhibition.

so happens that when you notice two plastic chairs on which you would like to rest a moment you wonder if they are part of a work by any artist Californian.

Or the little man in red suit, and broom wagon (red) that goes to empty the garbage cans enriched with a sign with title and author's data would be perfect as a conceptual work (I have in mind also the Title: "Cleaning "....).

However, in this binge is no shortage of modern art works of genius, in which the idea, intuition simple but effective, forcing the viewer too rational to the usual odious cliches:
"I did this I also "and" what does it mean? "

peace flag


artist (New York?)

many joker and batman one?

this is called "semi-liberty." Strange!

you know those machines that pierce the leaves and then put them in file cabinets? Well, nobody cares discs produced by this transaction, and threw them away without restraint. Well, a guy who I call "genius" picks them up in various colors and then spread them simply on a surface and framing them, the result is a patchwork pleasant ... He had the idea! If we want to communicate something, frankly do not know, and I could care less: art is an emotion, a feeling, an experience without asking and asking for anything.

paraphrase the master Frank Zappa might say that "Talking about art is like dancing about architecture" and turning to Artissima you realize just how apt that phrase and you have the feeling that many people are there just because it is cool!

La Palme d'Or of the "Beautiful Artissima" we have assigned to the owner of an art gallery in Milan that alone is a work of art lamp, trendy eyeglass, gels (such rubbery someone should tell him that if he continues in that way a few years and the hair will disappear), camperos and, last but not least, cinturazza with large buckles in the shape of cobra obviously hyper active and always on cellular master!
Given the prices of some works, for someone like him, the only emotion that gives him a work of art is that of Bausch snob that loosen the earmark.

In any case, given the massive presence of "bitten apples" among the stands, this environment we liked it very much.
So much so that today I caught my creative moment and voila ... here's to you "Pear-core vs Area51.

Scary is not it?

Photos, except "Pear-core vs Area51", courtesy of Andrea .