return to tell of mountain bikes, this time a day in the mountains of Biella fullest with a group of bikers learned from the forum:
Fabio-no-drop, the event organizer Oleggio (Norco)
Marco V power, locals Biellese deep knowledge of the area as well as Canadian-style freerider (3-meter jump as if nothing had happened) and provider of the van (Norco)
Andrea, Biella, phlegmatic and practical (Kona)
The Manu , Novara, a rattle with a biciona that weighs almost as much as she goes slowly but it goes everywhere! (Norco)
and then of course the President (Commencal)
The day will include an ascent with the van driven by various friends taking us back to the sanctuary of Oropa area every time we go down to the valley.
The van is in perfect style with its passengers, ramshackle, knackered full of all sorts of things (pieces of wood, bottles, broken radio, glass on driver that if you do not get back higher, rags) and despite a face uphill effort Executioner we find ninety BMW going Oropa sanctuary to the two hour and coaches full of pilgrims (one of which even managed to overcome !!!!!!).
At the end of the day we did four different and descents of varying difficulty, too bad the weather, we shot almost always shrouded in mist and rain made some sections very slippery and technicians.
was fundamental to stop for lunch at the little bar to the gondola Oropa managed by an elderly gentleman who did not appear true of having to get customers on a day like that. Given that Mark is well known in these parts, he practically had to prepare a aglioliopeperoncino at the moment. Then I jumped out of the peppers in Bagna Cauda, anchovies and beer Menabrea (Biella historic name) and finally the coffee "modified" (Lvov, foamed milk, coffee, cocoa dusted above) show !!!!!
So a day of pure freeriding, unplugged, good company, wonderful places and bike, bike, bike!!