Thursday, December 20, 2007

Meagan Good Type Of Weave


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all "laivegiurnalisti "!!!!!!!!

And try not to become your burden as well:

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What Is A Knot From Heart Cath

Splatter flick

Stephen is a client with whom we have now a relationship of friendship.
one day enter the store and showed me a catalog of Subbuteo tells me: "Maurice, you know that?"

I smile and say, "Of course I do!"
he was "gassed" so now we're doing a tournament in five organized in a professional manner.
For those who do not know the Subbuteo is a faithful reproduction of the game of football where the players movements are made with so-called hits "A finger tip." Nothing
electronic or mechanical, everything depends on the players (the ones that move the thumbnails).


It is incredible realism of the games and activities that develop during the game. Counterattacks, fouls, own goals, volleys and even head shots!
The idea started in England after the war and after the glories of the Seventies seemed destined for oblivion because of the excessive power of video games but recently thanks to the eternal big kids like us seems to be coming back into vogue.
only sore point is that I played two matches each lose, the first in a spectacular game that ended with a resounding 5-3, the second a 2 -1 fought to the last, scoring a spectacular volley.


Of course the meetings are held in the tavern of Stephen which was set up a permanent field of play (pool type) that is thoroughly covered at the end of the meetings!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Put These Words In A Paragraph


But what is art?

Technique? Provocation? Irony? Genius?

Probably a good balance of different elements. But visiting Artissima in Torino, some of these elements take precedence over others and often remain displaced in front of some "conceptual work" in the exhibition.

so happens that when you notice two plastic chairs on which you would like to rest a moment you wonder if they are part of a work by any artist Californian.

Or the little man in red suit, and broom wagon (red) that goes to empty the garbage cans enriched with a sign with title and author's data would be perfect as a conceptual work (I have in mind also the Title: "Cleaning "....).

However, in this binge is no shortage of modern art works of genius, in which the idea, intuition simple but effective, forcing the viewer too rational to the usual odious cliches:
"I did this I also "and" what does it mean? "

peace flag


artist (New York?)

many joker and batman one?

this is called "semi-liberty." Strange!

you know those machines that pierce the leaves and then put them in file cabinets? Well, nobody cares discs produced by this transaction, and threw them away without restraint. Well, a guy who I call "genius" picks them up in various colors and then spread them simply on a surface and framing them, the result is a patchwork pleasant ... He had the idea! If we want to communicate something, frankly do not know, and I could care less: art is an emotion, a feeling, an experience without asking and asking for anything.

paraphrase the master Frank Zappa might say that "Talking about art is like dancing about architecture" and turning to Artissima you realize just how apt that phrase and you have the feeling that many people are there just because it is cool!

La Palme d'Or of the "Beautiful Artissima" we have assigned to the owner of an art gallery in Milan that alone is a work of art lamp, trendy eyeglass, gels (such rubbery someone should tell him that if he continues in that way a few years and the hair will disappear), camperos and, last but not least, cinturazza with large buckles in the shape of cobra obviously hyper active and always on cellular master!
Given the prices of some works, for someone like him, the only emotion that gives him a work of art is that of Bausch snob that loosen the earmark.

In any case, given the massive presence of "bitten apples" among the stands, this environment we liked it very much.
So much so that today I caught my creative moment and voila ... here's to you "Pear-core vs Area51.

Scary is not it?

Photos, except "Pear-core vs Area51", courtesy of Andrea .

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Wards Lab 8 What Is Ideal Population

Freeride Oropa

return to tell of mountain bikes, this time a day in the mountains of Biella fullest with a group of bikers learned from the forum:

Fabio-no-drop, the event organizer Oleggio (Norco)
Marco V power, locals Biellese deep knowledge of the area as well as Canadian-style freerider (3-meter jump as if nothing had happened) and provider of the van (Norco)
Andrea, Biella, phlegmatic and practical (Kona)
The Manu , Novara, a rattle with a biciona that weighs almost as much as she goes slowly but it goes everywhere! (Norco)
and then of course the President (Commencal)

The day will include an ascent with the van driven by various friends taking us back to the sanctuary of Oropa area every time we go down to the valley.
The van is in perfect style with its passengers, ramshackle, knackered full of all sorts of things (pieces of wood, bottles, broken radio, glass on driver that if you do not get back higher, rags) and despite a face uphill effort Executioner we find ninety BMW going Oropa sanctuary to the two hour and coaches full of pilgrims (one of which even managed to overcome !!!!!!).

At the end of the day we did four different and descents of varying difficulty, too bad the weather, we shot almost always shrouded in mist and rain made some sections very slippery and technicians.
was fundamental to stop for lunch at the little bar to the gondola Oropa managed by an elderly gentleman who did not appear true of having to get customers on a day like that. Given that Mark is well known in these parts, he practically had to prepare a aglioliopeperoncino at the moment. Then I jumped out of the peppers in Bagna Cauda, anchovies and beer Menabrea (Biella historic name) and finally the coffee "modified" (Lvov, foamed milk, coffee, cocoa dusted above) show !!!!!
So a day of pure freeriding, unplugged, good company, wonderful places and bike, bike, bike!!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Tooth Infection Causing Memory Problems

le_president @ 2007-09-03T13: 32:00

was a bit 'of time I wanted to do this trip in mountain bike but it did not feel alone. Friday 24
So I brought on tour to friends and Ale Roby on holiday in Cogne. We are
Degioz (Valsavaranche) and after the classic "caffettino" to ask locals where the path that climbs to Orvielle pasture at 2100 meters, The departure is one that does not allow replies: cold as captain of the famous fish sticks, we trudge on that first flight will be around 25 % grade!

The environment is great, however, in the shade of the larches slowly climb up to the pasture Orvielle where does the forest.
stop with sandwiches and fresh spring water and resume the climb towards the lake Djouan, the road was made and despite the sloping path we must push for more human traits not cycling (and also exposed ......... .) while we hear the whistling marmots worry the sight of those funny colored animals.
We reach our destination at about 2500 m hoping we can sit in the sun, but you seemed the only place with the cloud is just Djouan Lake!

The descent will be a pleasure, aside from a few parts where the wisdom suggested as a fall down the valley would have led the recovery with the canon "spoon" Whether we travel by pure adrenaline.
With a loooong time lower than the climb back to Degioz where we allow ourselves a well deserved beer!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Is There A Condom For Herpes

All About Apple

In laughing "ha ha" city of Hone came the traveling exhibition "All about Apple", organized by the more Apple provided museum in the world, located in Quiliano (province of Savona) and three fearless heroes if they are left to run. Thanks to Walter

Franceschini, local enthusiasts who managed to bring the exhibition in the Valle d'Aosta.

With [info] carlo71 for lending us his "Comic Life" that can create the following four photos.

All About Apple Part 1

All about apple part 2

All about apple part 3

All about apple Part 4

Friday, June 1, 2007

New Nike Freeks For Sale


The story of a cruel and absurd our compatriot in prison in the USA.
Here the interview with Katie, his girlfriend.
And two more links: its site and the petition calling for a justice that is such
http://www. /

Sunday, May 27, 2007

How To Make A Homemade Jack Off Toy

the man who saved '"The Pianist" (DA WWW.INSTORIA.IT)

Hosenfeld was a Nazi - but a kind man and correct.
And we have seen in the film by Polanski, dressed man in uniform Szpilman hiding and save.
And, as the pianist, he has existed (and it's right to know):

Wordpress Dirtbike Template


Luca Dini is now editor of Vanity Fair, but in 2000 - the year he died in the electric chair Derek Rocco Barnabei, he was there, first as a journalist and then as a friend:

http:// / home / derek_rocco_barnabei.htm

Pokemon White Gamesharks


Carlotta and Maximilian of Hapsburg by glories of Vienna along the quiet enchantment of Trieste and then down, unhappy emperors of Mexico

Electrical Licence In Memphis Tn


story of Aleksander Walewski, the son of the "Polish wife" of Bonaparte

Baptimal Table Decorations


Interview Mr Cappato (which is not to be called Mrs) on the "case" Welby - a stoic and poignant story:

Months After Bunion Surgery


Four Sisters English high society - four very different lives, spectacular and dramatic, in the heart of World War II and beyond: sorelle_mitford.htm

Reset Word Lock From Brookstone


Edith Beer, Jewish girl who seeks salvation in a marriage to a Nazi - a real story that smacks of the novel:

http://www. / home / edith_beer.htm

Feminine External Itching


Interview with Helga, writer and daughter of a fervent Nazi - not as never be able to heal from childhood and memories of a girl on a visit to Hitler:

Costs For Rolladen Shudders


Nicholas II and Alexandra in the voices of children and people:

Broken Blood Vessels On Breasts


A woman of charm and culture and hardening. The magnificent
Sixteenth century Venice.

Can I Use Quadriderm For My Acne?


Princess Noor - I do not think I've ever heard ...

(photo of Princess Noor Appreciaton Society)

What Does The White Dot In Facebook Mean


Even the king most "bright "History has its dark corner.
A wide-angle, among others.

European Bare Minerals Or Bareminerals


almost nothing had nothing to do with what we have told the sweetened film.
No, had nothing to do nothing.

How Long Does A Dvt Take To Appear


This time the interview is the imaginary Medici who was queen of France and mother of King ... more put me a little uneasy.

Lbp Copy To Friends Ps3

the Empress Josephine (DA WWW.INSTORIA.IT)

I interviewed (let's face it: the imagination, for obvious reasons) the first wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. Women
interesting and affected, I'd say ...

(painted by Lefevre)

Diet Clinicmatamoros Tamaulipas

Heydrich and Himmler (DA INSTORIA.IT)

Two Nazis different from each other: a son of high society, educated and capable first, the chicken farmer second.
Only their huge shadow, had in common.

Nice Senior Trip Houses In Myrtle Beach


movies and books will continue to devote e.
I wonder if you can ever know ...

Physical Therapy Ideas For L5 S1 Hnp


The King of Bavaria and Empress of Austria: Two troubled souls constantly on the run.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Why Do Green Beans Spark In Microwave Oven?

24 hours - Finale Ligure - 2007

Warning message to be retained and read at least once a week. It stimulates the production of pleasant memories. Decrease the stress of everyday life. Promotes pedalatorio act and the meeting between great people!

missing 5 minutes at the start ... Where's that give the numbers? ... prrrrrrrrr ... But you changed your bike! ... The tent where the mountains? ... How are the showers? ... prrrrrrr ... Dust that guys ... The slide I made a bomb! ... PII-PIII ... How many laps do you ...? What good is cake! ... Come on, do a little 'I'm ordering on the table ... prrrrrrr ... Then there are Cici and Coco ... There are a beast ... PII-PIII ... I told him to go right and I'm stupid pass to the left! ... prrrrrrr ... There was a slide that was in detention! ... You can have a bit 'of coffee? ... The Doggy! ... PII-PIII ... We're doing great! ... -Tunz Tunz Tunz-... Please note there is someone the team in 1221 ...? PII-PIII ... I seem to have gone round in 35 minutes ... prrrrr ... Madonna moisture ... There are you after me? ... -Tunz Tunz Tunz-... Franz, how's the tooth? ... PII-PIII ... Have you seen the face of Daniel? ... PII-PIII ... The showers are no longer! ... If you do not feel I do it another spin ... prrrrrrr ... But you fell? Yes, yes, but it's nothing ... -Tunz Tunz Tunz-... I do the last lap ... I have a battery if you need ... PII-PIII ... But it is full of ants! ... I try to get some sleep '... I have toured almost alone! ... prrrrrr ... Where is our captain? ... If you need me I will soon ... -Tunz Tunz Tunz-... There is no place in that tent, get there ... The clean stuff is wet! ... PII-PIII ... I did not see a fucking ... But the water is over ...? 30 euros and I have repaired ... prrrrrr ... I who brought sweet sti? They are space! ... Guys I got the cagotto! ... Bands we ...? -Tunz Tunz Tunz-... From the mountains to the gazebo ... The last climb I managed to walk ... PII-PIII ... Compound that after him there you are ... You feel comfortable with those tires? ... I spent a Kraut ... prrrrrrr ... A stay there will still be cold ... What happened Speleo GM? ... I wake up? No wait a while '... PII-PIII ... E 'come Barney? ... I have to eat something ... How many laps we done? ... prrrrrrrr ... In your van right? ... Beautiful, beautiful! ... PII-PIII ... It is inside the deposit box of tools ... They put the charts ... -Tunz Tunz Tunz-... The lineage is salitone! ... Then, we recovered 6 positions ... This is sweet or salty? Prrrrrr ... ... You know where to start the slide? ... I took a branch and I know 'waterfall! ... It ends at a quarter ... PII-PIII ... So can I get a shower? ... This round I can not worry ... -Tunz Tunz Tunz-... Rather do it in the woods! ... Boy, that team! ... PII-PIII. After

Prrrrrr - Generators
-PIII PIII - Transponder
-Tunz Tunz Tunz-- Music

the mess the mess
il gazebo gazebo
the table?